Press Releases

Project Examples:

Exxon road design for heavy haul road (HHR) supporting up to 140psi SPMT wheel loads. Transporting up to 12,000 Metric Tone modules.

Terra Prime TM prominently outperformed all known competitor products as a replacement for MC-30, an asphalt primer used worldwide.

Impecable application, as well as exceeding performance of more than 4X better PSI (Pull-Off Test)than the leading competitors In Rio de Janeiro, Brazil.

Pavement Preservation Journal

"TSB has the highest strength among all the prime coat materials"
"TSB cures fastest among all the prime coat materials."

Texas Pavement Preservation Center

TxDot studies show Terra Prime is 4X stronger than the leading competitors

Eastern Michigan University

"HRTS has provided higher constructional and design responses in various cases for the road base construction and design."

The University Of Texas At Tyler

"TSB has the highest strength among all the prime coat materials" "TSB cures fastest among all the prime coat materials"

Streets and Storm Drainage - San Marcos, TX

"By changing to Terra Pave, the city will reduce the application of 37,500 to 50,040 pounds of oil each year to the environment. This total includes a reduction of 5,200 to 6,900 pounds of chemicals that are covered under the

Journal of Testing and Evaluation Vol. 41

"The dry strength of the specimens with TP was approxi- mately five times greater than the dry strength of the speci- mens with other prime coats. The strength of the wet TP specimen was almost the same as the dry one."